Dear Cathedral Family,
Summer is not quite over, and the school and program years have not quite begun, but our work and family lives are shifting out of summer gear as we move toward fall.
Our life here together as the Cathedral Family is doing the same thing, as you can see in this week’s email. Please take some time to look at all the things going on here at the Cathedral and around the diocese and give thanks for the life we share together as the Cathedral Family and as the wider household of God.
In this Sunday’s reading from his letter to the Ephesians, Paul begs the young Church to live together with humility, gentleness, and patience and to bear with one another in love. He envisions a unity in the Spirit that forms the bond of peace. Although this may seem to us a remote ideal, in Christ it is more than possible—for us, in our lives, now.
As our lives get busier and as we move closer to our national elections, please pray for our Cathedral Family to live out Paul’s vision and to be a witness of Christ’s love in our world.