Almighty God, you sent your Son Jesus Christ to reconcile the world to yourself:
We praise and bless you for those whom you have sent in the power of the Spirit to preach the Gospel to all nations. We thank you that in all parts of the earth a community of love has been gathered together by their prayers and labors, and that in every place your servants call upon your Name; for the kingdom and the power and the glory are yours for ever. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, page 838
Gifts for
Christ Church is the cathedral church of the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. Our diocese includes 18,000 people who worship God and reach out to others in 61 parishes in the southern part of Alabama and the western panhandle of Florida. It is one of two Episcopal diocese in the state of Alabama and one of five in Florida. Our bishop is the Right Reverend J. Russell Kendrick. Read more about the diocese here.
The Episcopal Church is a fellowship of 2.2 million Christians in 108 dioceses throughout the United States as well as Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, the Virgin Islands, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Micronesia, Taiwan, and the Convocation of American Churches in Europe. The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church is the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry. Bishop Curry, previously the Bishop of North Carolina, was elected during the 78th General Convention in June 2015 in Salt Lake City. He took office in November 2015.
The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, a global fellowship of 73 million Christians in 38 self-governing provinces. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the Most Reverend and Right Honorable Justin Welby. While he is sometimes compared to a pope, a more accurate description of his role is that he is "first among equals" with his brother and sister bishops from throughout the Anglican Communion.
Memorial and Thanksgiving Gifts
Gifts may be designated to an array of funds, and those designated funds will be used to support the program for which they are given. Gifts may be given as a memorial or in thanksgiving for an occasion or celebration. Acknowledgement notes are sent to person who is being honored, or in the case of memorial gifts, to the family of the deceased. Click here to give online.
Christmas Memorials and Thanksgivings
At Christmas many people make donations in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for family or friends. The donations may be designated to help defray the cost of the beautiful greenery and floral arrangements placed throughout the church for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, or to help defray the cost for the beautiful music. The names of those remembered are included in the bulletins for all the services held on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. To give such a memorial or gift, please complete a card or complete the form on the Advent page of our website by Wednesday, December 18.
Altar Flowers
Besides giving to designated funds, memorials or thanksgivings gifts may be for altar flowers. Altar flowers are acknowledged in the service bulletin on the weekend of their placement. Designations cost $75. Please email the Cathedral Office to make a gift of altar flowers.
The Flower Guild Fund
At Christmas and Easter donations are made for poinsettias and Easter lilies. These thanksgiving or memorial gifts cost $15 and they are acknowledged in the service bulletin. The funds from these gifts also pay for flowers at special Cathedral and Diocesan events. The funds are also used to purchase supplies for flower arrangements.
Music is a vital ministry of Christ Church Cathedral and is made possible by the generous pledges of members and friends of the Cathedral to its annual operating budget. Additional funding through Friends of Cathedral Music allows us to sustain a broader artistic and spiritual outreach to the greater Mobile community. We are thankful for these gifts that go above and beyond other support given to Christ Church. Funds are solicited annually through a booklet that lists all of the concerts and special services held during the year.
For nearly two centuries, Christ Church has enjoyed beautiful organ music within its walls. Over the years, four different pipe organs have occupied this space. Ours is an organ tradition we can be proud of and must maintain. Our pipe organ has been the “voice of our space,” and with continued maintenance it can play this role for generations to come. This is the statement found in the Cathedral Organ Fund booklet published annually in the early summer. Donations are received throughout the year.