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We human beings mark and celebrate the most important events of our lives with rituals.

Confirmation is the ritual in which we celebrate and affirm our Christian life

in the rich tradition of the Episcopal Church.


Confirmation typically is offered once a year, when our Bishop visits the parish. It is for people who were either baptized as children or who are coming to the Episcopal Church from another tradition. Confirmation is preceded by a period of instruction and inquiry (adults take part in the Inquirers Class, while youth are prepared by staff and volunteers in our youth ministry program). In the ritual of confirmation, a person makes a mature affirmation of the promises made by his or her parents and godparents at baptism, and joins the fellowship of Christians who worship and serve in the Anglican tradition. 


Reception is for those who have already been confirmed in another denomination and wish to affirm their choice to continue their spiritual journey as an Episcopalian.


Some who are already confirmed Episcopalians may wish to be "reaffirmed" by the bishop when he or she visits Christ Church. Often this will occur after a period of study, reflection and prayer. It may take place as a result of having accompanied a teenage child, or a spouse, or other loved one during their own preparation for confirmation. 


At Christ Church Cathedral we confirm students in grade 7 and up.  All students grades 7 and up are invited to join the class to either lead to confirmation or to learn more about The Episcopal Church.  The confirmation class meets weekly during Lent using

 I Will with God’s Help, a curriculum based on the Baptismal Covenant. Carolyn Jeffers and Caroline Etherton are our catechist. They will happy to speak with you about the program.  


The Adult Inquirer's Class meets on the Sundays in Lent after worship.  Contact Carolyn Jeffers to be added to the class.

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